Good Morning sweet friends! It's that time again! I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica for my 5 for FIVE! Let's see how I did last week... I can tell you it wasn't great! I'm in a big slump but determined to get out of it this week and have all Purple!!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure!
1. Workout 5 times this week: I did go to a new class that I'll be going to every week from now on, but one workout does not count!
2. Eat clean all week, no junk!! : I'm telling y'all I am stuck in a rut and unfortunately my diet takes the hit...I did make a yummy meal on Wednesday but other than that I either ate soup or junk.
3. Finish putting my living room back together and get everything cleaned up: I got my living room back together...but the kitchen is still a mess as is my room.
4. Make my smoothies at night. I'm putting red b/c I only did it one night..I had oatmeal another morning and the other mornings I didn't have anything...NOT GOOD! I usually am so good about this one!
5. Mail that care package...what?!? I got a fully purple one!! Whoo!! Go me! (gotta celebrate the little things!)
Okay so yes, last week was rough but if you remember my post from Tuesday you know that the week started off bad...so I spent the rest of the week focusing on the good and making sure the last part of my weekend was good (it was and I'll recap it soon!). Onto this weeks goals!
1. Plan my menu and stick to it! : I talked to my personal trainer (who b/c I've been so busy I haven't been able to see in almost a month) and told her that I haven't been great with working out and eating healthy, she told me I could do it and to hit this week hard! I'm going to do it!
2. Go to Body Blast on Wednesday: I went last week and it was awesome! I burned 641 calories in an hour! WHAT?! I was dead after but a good dead!
3. Finish cleaning...no if, ands or buts....has to be done!
4. Get my daily devotional time with God every day! : huge one for me...a lot of time, I'm "too busy" or "too tired"...He's never those for me, so why should I say that to him?
5. Get some good workouts in! : I'm not putting a number here b/c I just need to do it...not worry about the number!
I know I promised y'all an updated picture on my floor, and once I get everything spakling pretty I'll post it!
Hope y'all have a fabulous Monday and week!!
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