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Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I know it's Wednesday, but no Word.Wednesday today...so sorry! It'll be back next week!

Are y'all like me in that you're completely obsessed with Pinterest? I mean, it's been around a while and I still LOVE it. I peruse it daily to find new recipes, crafts, things to make me laugh...basically anything! I've had this recipe pinned for a while and have been wanting to try it. Have y'all seen Pinterest Fails? I've seen them here and there and they are usually pretty funny, but I've never had one...until last night! 

Here's the recipe...it still looks delish to me, but I #NailedIt. 

In the recipe, she used Boursin cheese, but says you can use Laughing Cow (which I always have on hand). {Side note: Laughing Cow spread between two cucumber slices makes a YUMMY snack}

I followed the recipe to the "T" just subbing my cheese, I also pan sauteed my chicken, which I never do. I always grill my chicken because my apartment is small and I don't have a vent fan for my stove, so it's just easier! I should've done this tonight...but I decided to take a chance. Needless to say, I had to open my windows and door so my smoke alarm wouldn't go off! 

Will I try this recipe again? Yes, I will, because I want to like it! I posted my picture on Facebook and had lots of hints to help! 

I don't want to say I pride myself on my cooking skills, BUT, the majority of my meals end up being super yummy and I love them! This was by far, my worst meal to date! 
But I'm not going to let it stop me...I'll try it again! And the next time, I'll grill the chicken!

Have y'all had any Pinterest fails? Thankfully it was still edible but after I ate, everything else was thrown away, lol. 

Friday, October 17, 2014


Do y'all love Friday's?! I love them even more now that I don't have a football or other sporting event to cover! Do I do anything exciting on these Fridays where I don't have any work?? Nope! Sometimes I just hang out with friends, but mostly I just catch up on my shows or enjoy the quiet of the evenings! I'm not a super exciting person...and I'm okay with that!

To prove I'm not ALL boring, I thought I'd share a few things I'm loving for the weekend!!
~ ONE ~
Since this is my first Fall back here in Fort Worth, I became a season ticket holder and am LOVING it!! So most Saturday's are spent here:

I'm partial and think it's the best place on Earth!
This weekend TCU plays Oklahoma State...we're both in the AP top 15 so the game should be great! Especially because I know my Frogs will be hungry after our little hiccup last weekend against Baylor!

~ TWO ~
I'm loving this weather...not too hot during the day and not too cold in the mornings. It's perfect! Having the windows open and being able to leave the door open is nice. I know it won't last long and a cold winter will come but I'll enjoy it while I can. I'm going to clean off my porch and enjoy it this weekend.

I've been horrible at going to church lately. Mainly because I like to go on Saturday evening and with our football games on Saturdays I have to go on Sunday. Woe is me, I know. But the Sunday services are at 9:15 and 11. So it's either super early or late. But I need to suck it up and go to the early one because I love church and it re-charges me for the week to be surrounded by my church family.

~ FOUR ~
I've had a LOOOONG  and busy week so I'm really going to focus on relaxing this weekend! I'm going to read and just enjoy my time.

What are y'all doing this weekend!? If y'all follow me on social media, I'll apologize in advance for all the pics from the TCU game! ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Word. Wednesday

Word. Wednesday is back! Maybe one day, I'll make it a link-up and make new bloggy friends. But for now, I'll just use it to get myself through the half-way point of the week! Some things and word (duh) I'm loving lately!

I come in contact with so many people every.single.day and I love that this reminds me to enjoy the day because you could make someone's day.

so true.
I'm not sure I wanna wait the rest of my life...just sayin'. 

This isn't a word...but if there's one word to describe it...YUM!

Capri Blue Jar Candle

Chicken Tortellini Soup - I made this tonight and it was great! I used a rotisserie chicken to save time and I used 3 bouillon cubes. I only used one package of the tortellini and had plenty of soup. LW 
Anything having to do with soup, hearty soup, yummy soup, chili... anything. It's Fall Y'all and I want cool weather so I can make soup!

You're not really drinking alone if your dog is home ;)

leg-shaving flowchart

Okay that one made me laugh too hard and mainly b/c I have this discussion daily!

Happy Wednesday y'all! Make it great! Word.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Worst ever!

Well, I'm officially the worst blogger ever! Okay, that may be extreme, but when my blog got her make-over I vowed to blog regularly! And just like everything else, I let it get away from me. I read blogs daily, but never click on my own to write. I'm not going to use this time to promise I'll be a better blogger, but I will tell you that I'm going to really try hard to get a few posts a week going! I enjoy blogging, mainly because it's an outlet and I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and ideas...even if it's only me and a couple friends that read them! 

When I last left y'all, I was enjoying running...slowly. And I still do, however, I haven't ran in like 3 weeks I think. Did I finish C25k? Nope, but I have a valid excuse. My knee started feeling weird and I consulted my fellow Athletic Trainer friends and as I knew, but just needed someone to tell me, my glutes, hams and quads are weak on my left side (I'm naming her Lefty) and is therefore causing the odd feeling like my knee is dangling. Back up to 2009 when I tore my ACL and had surgery...hence why just my left leg is a loser! I say that lovingly...but she is...she totally sucks and it's pretty much my fault. I didn't rehab her the way I should've and while I exercised on and off the last 5 years, I never ran. Then I just decide to take of running, which was great until I started having to go longer than 20 minutes and then my knee felt like it was flopping all about. To someone with a reconstructed ACL, that is frightening. Take my word for it. 

So since I live right by TCU (my wonderful alma mater, GO Frogs!) I texted my friend and she tested my knee (which was stable and not at all floppy, whew!) and then told me what I knew... Little Lefty was in fact, little and weak. She ordered ever so lovingly told me to get a foam roller, some bands and stretch and work on loosing the muscles that were wound tight and also work on my strength. She said I could continue to run, but to back off it a bit. SO I backed off it completely and haven't even been to the gym. Makes sense right? I've foam rolled once and truth be told, the bands are still in the bag. I know I need to do these things and I want to, but at the same time I don't. 

Alas, I didn't finish my C25k...and it pisses me off! I thought about just doing week 8 to do it and get it over and then back off and get Lefty stronger but that would've been dumb and I would've hated every second. So I quit. After I said I wasn't quitting and I was finally going to complete the program, I still quit. I figure I'll focus on getting Lefty stronger and getting my hips looser and then slowly re-introduce running and start all over. Heck...it may be a lot easier if I'm stronger and looser! I also bought a barre workout dvd (don't judge me). I had a groupon a while ago for Barre class and I LOVED it!! But it's crazy expensive so I figured...why not buy a dvd and I need to maybe actually take the cellophane off it and do it. 

Well, this has turned long and I'm basically just whining and giving excuses, so I'll wrap it up. I could definitely use some butt-kicking  encouragement to get to the gym and do my workout! So feel free to hold me accountable! :)