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Monday, April 29, 2013

5 for FIVE!


It's that time again! Time for 5 for FIVE! I only posted twice last week (bummer), but I feel like I did okay on my goals! As always, I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica and you totally should too! ;)
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 

1. Quiet times!! I was a little ambitious with this goal, a few of the days I did read at morning and night, but a day or two I read nothing but maybe my morning verse in the morning.
2. Work out!! and track my food! So... while I didn't stick to my meal plan...things came up, I did cook one night and it lasted me a lunch and dinner so yay! I did track my food either on paper or on my fitness pal app. workouts...well I had a KILLER workout with my trainer on Saturday  and I did Body Blast on Wednesday...better than nothing!
3. Mail a package...  Got it done and sent!
4. Organize my house... this is a broad one, but I need to start making baby steps to getting my home life in order.
5. Be positive... Like I've said before, I've had a crummy attitude toward work lately so this week I'm focusing on the positives and being thankful for the little things!

No RED!! whoo! I feel good about that! I know that things happen and come up so I'm not going to let a little hiccup rock my world! Onto this week!

1. Drink at least 3 bottles of water...I have a 22 oz. water bottle that I take to workout and I've recently started bringing it to work again because I noticed I wasn't drinking near the water I used to! So I'm going to fill it up 3 times during the day...if not more!
2. Get my butt out of bed in the morning and workout...even if it's just a 20 minute workout I need to do something!
3. Quiet times!!! I read the book of Esther last week and this week I think I'm going to start Hosea.  My bible study ends this week and I'm so sad! I think I'm going to start reading Crazy Love by Fancis Chan....have you read it?
4. Cook dinner twice this week
5. Continue organizing my house

Hope y'all have a wonderful day and your week begins well!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Baked Tacos!

So there was this recipe on Pinterest that I've been wanting to try for a while now and time just hasn't been on my side. Well Monday night I finally tried it! It was for Baked Tacos. Y'all they were YUM! The recipe I pinned was from Mommy I'm Hungry I tweaked it a bit and made it with stuff I knew I'd like. Here's the recipe:
Oven Tacosadapted from Blog Chef

2 lbs ground beef (or turkey/chicken)
1 small onion diced
1 small can diced green chilies
1 recipe for Homemade taco seasoning (below)
1 (8 ounce) can low sodium tomato sauce
1 (16 ounce) can fat free refried beans
2 cups shredded reduced fat Colby-jack cheese
18-20 hard taco shells{if gluten free, be sure they are}

Optional Condiments-
Lettuce (shredded)
Tomato (diced)
Sour Cream
Olives, sliced

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

In a large skillet brown ground beef and onion over medium-high heat. Drain off any excess liquid. Return to pan, add chilies, refried beans, tomato sauce, and taco seasoning. Mix well and cook for a few minutes if mixture seems runny.

Spoon the taco meat mixture into the taco shells and place into a 9 x 13 inch baking dish (OR check out The Taco Rack), standing up. Sprinkle cheese over the top of the taco meat in each shell. Place into the oven and bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese has melted and the tacos are heated through.
Remove from the oven and top with any optional condiments for serving.

Taco Seasoning
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

In a small bowl, mix all together. Store in an airtight container.
I used all of this on 2 lbs of ground meat with a little water mixed in.

I used extra lean ground turkey seasoned with garlic salt and taco seasoning. If you see ^^ you can make your own, but I just happened to have a bottle of it in my cabinet.  :) I did add some crushed red pepper flakes because I like things spicy. They were very good! Next time I'll use rotel instead just to make it easier and will probably attempt to make my own shells. I've seen where you can take a corn tortilla and hang it over the rack in the oven and it comes out crispy...I've gotta try it! I even had them the next day for lunch and yes they were a tad soggy but they were good! I garnished them with shredded lettuce and some farm fresh tomatoes I picked up from a farmer's market.

Let me know if you try them!


Monday, April 22, 2013

5 for FIVE!

 Good morning!! Hope things are going well for y'all! It's Monday, so that means it's time to link up with
                                                      with Jenn and Jessica for my 5 for FIVE!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 
1. Keep tracking my food/ exercise!  Boy I got used to posting my food on the facebook group and last week without it I didn't even write it down! I didn't eat bad though so that's good!
2. Get my hiney back in the gym!! Not a great excuse, but last week was a short week for me and was busy busy...I did get up and go to the gym Friday morning while I was in Fort worth! (yay go me!)
3. Pack for Fort Worth and not take my whole closet!
4. Quiet times! I just didn't do it every day...this one is going to stay on my list until it's daily and a habit!
5. Be more involved with my students. I attempted to do this one, but these kids just don't care and they make it so hard to get excited about something when they just stare at you when you're talking like they're thinking "when is this lady going to shut up so I can sit here and do nothing"!

Okay...last week wasn't my best, but I had the opportunity to go to my happy place, a.k.a. Fort Worth, funky town, the funk, the fort...the best place ever (in my opinion!)! So this week is a fresh start because I feel refreshed and ready to kick these last 6 weeks hiney!!

1. Quiet times!! I am going to do a small devotional in the morning when I wake up and one right before I go to sleep!
2. Work out!! and track my food! I've got my meals all planned out for the week and will hopefully be headed to the store to buy and then prep everything today! Also have my workouts planned too...
3. Mail a package... I've got a couple of old athletes that I keep in touch with that are graduating from college soon and I need to mail my first package off. I'm not going to extravagant means but just a little something to let them know how proud I am of them for sticking to their dreams and how fortunate I am to get to be apart of their lives still.
4. Organize my house... this is a broad one, but I need to start making baby steps to getting my home life in order.
5. Be positive... Like I've said before, I've had a crummy attitude toward work lately so this week I'm focusing on the positives and being thankful for the little things!

Hope y'all had a wonderful weekend and are off to a great week! I'll recap my weekend soon (because it was a great one)!!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I really enjoyed linking up with The Vintage Apple last week for oh, how Pinteresting so I decided to do it again this week!
 Here's what I've been loving lately on Pinterest!
What are y'all loving on pinterest? Link up and share! xoxo, SamanthaDiane

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Love letter

So last Saturday my church's Women's Ministry put on a brunch entitled BLOOM. Because of my work schedule I usually have to miss the events and it makes me so sad! This one worked out and I got to attend it before I worked three baseball games. I fixed my hair, put actual real make up on (instead of the quick few staples I usually do) and wore a dress with heels...had any of my athletes seen me when I got to work they would've not recognized me...I don't get to "be a girl" very often. I wear wind pants, sweats and short with t-shirts and sweatshirts to work daily. I know, I know...lucky me. It gets old, trust me! I'd love to be able to dress up (although, I'm sure I'd get tired of that too), however if I ever did I'd never hear the end of it at work...coaches are tough...being around male coaches ALL.THE.TIME is tougher! I'm "one of the guys", which is fine, I've always been that way...I get along better with guys because I just don't deal with girl's drama well and I can't stand attention seekers.
So back to Saturday, we had this lovely brunch where everyone was looking beautiful, the setting was spectacular and the conversations were so filling and uplifting!!
Sandy, our pastor's wife and leader of us women had such an inspiring and heartfelt message. It really hit home! She is so real and I love that!! That's one thing I love love love about my church...these are REAL people who let you in and are not afraid to let their guards down and be REAL! I don't know about y'all but I've always held my pastors, the leaders in my church and their families up on a high podium and I feel as if they can do no wrong and have everything together. I am so wrong...hellllloooo they are human too, just like I am and they have flaws and problems and insecurities. Sandy revealed how the Lord spoke to her about the word BLOOM being our theme for the year for the Women of Journey Church and I think it's such an amazing word. Dictionary.com defines BLOOM as: a flourishing, healthy condition; the time or period of greatest beauty, artistry, etc. WOW! This is exactly what the Lord is going to do through the women of Journey this year! Each of our events is going to further expand on the theme and I cannot wait to see what's in store. At the end of her message, Sandy read Psalms 139, all 24 verses out loud and with such passion it hit me so hard! I've read it probably several times but never heard it out loud...man!
I've put it here for you...but I really want y'all to read it aloud. I was trying to record it for y'all but I can't figure out how to put a sound clip in and I am SOOO not video okay right now lol...I videoed myself but I just cannot do that yet.

Psalm 139
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
O Lord, you have examined my heart
    and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
    You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
    and when I rest at home.
    You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
    even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too great for me to understand!
I can never escape from your Spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
    if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning,
    if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
    and your strength will support me.
11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
    and the light around me to become night—
12     but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
    Darkness and light are the same to you.
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
    as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
    before a single day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about me,[b] O God.
    They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
    they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
    you are still with me!
19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked!
    Get out of my life, you murderers!
20 They blaspheme you;
    your enemies misuse your name.
21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you?
    Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?
22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred,
    for your enemies are my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
    and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

How  awesome is that?!?! Our God knows EVERYTHING about us...and still loves us and cares so deeply for us. The whole morning and then these verses really got me thinking that I need to focus on myself more! Not in a selfish way, but yes, kind of selfish! I need to work on me and be okay with me...I need to BLOOM! I worry about others and try to please others when I really need to be pleasing myself and God. Obviously God first, but I think that if I please Him, I will please myself  because I am pleasing Him. The only approval I need is His. I've been very frustrated lately with a lot of things and have felt unfulfilled so Saturday morning was exactly what I needed to hear! It's amazing how God knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it! So if you're still reading, kudos to you and thank you! I've also learned that I may not have time to pour over the Word and study it for hours a day but as long as I'm getting even A verse to meditate on daily that's okay! It's not about quantity it's about quality and honestly, I have a serious running dialogue with the Big Guy Upstairs...I love that He never tires of hearing me! So my goal is to BLOOM!

Hope these verses speak to y'all as they've spoken to me! I plan on doing something with them and posting it somewhere in my house because it's something I want to be reminded of daily!


Monday, April 15, 2013

New Smoothie!!

I rely on smoothies for my morning breakfast most days, I try to make them ahead of time at night so they're ready to go and I can just grab them and go in the morning! Having to be at work at 6am most days it has really helped save me time and kept me healthy in the mornings! I used to go to the local bagel shop or McDonald's or just not eat...that is not okay! Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and for me it sets how the rest of my meals will go. If I start healthy, I'll usually stay healthy! :)

I've posted before about SMOOTHIES and so when I stumble upon a new one and I like it I'll for sure pass it along to y'all! The other day I was totally craving a mocha frappe, after my Body Blast class the Lifetime Cafe brought in a sample of their mocha smoothie...it was DELISH and made me want one! So I figured that theirs probably had a lot of sugar in it set out to find a recipe I could make at home! I don't know about y'all but I used to be a googler...however, now I'm more of a let's search Pinterest and see what I can find! Well I found a plethora of recipes...I chose one and made it this morning...it's pretty good!
I cannot take credit for the recipe, that's all Catlin over at My chocolate moments.
I've pasted the recipe straight from her blog:

  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup yogurt
  • 1 to 1 and 1/2 TBSP instant coffee
  • 1/2 TBSP cocoa powder
  • 1/2 TBSP honey
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup milk
  • 12-14 cups of ice
  • 2 cups leafy greens
  • 2 TBSP flaxseed
A note on these ingredients – all of these amounts are approximations and can be easily changed, substituted, removed, increased, or decreased to your liking.  If you like your coffee black then you may not need the honey as an extra sweetener.  If you like your coffee strong, you may want to add more that what I use.  I’m not really sure why I use both yogurt and milk – I’m sure one or the other would be fine (yogurt if you want a thicker, smoothie like consistency, milk if you want a more drinkable shake).
The greens and flaxseed are 100% optional and don’t really effect the taste at all.  I just add them in so I can get a few more nutrients.  The flaxseed can be a bit gritty, but I blend my smoothie on the liquify setting on my blender because I like mine drinkable, so the flaxseed gets pretty ground up.  If you haven’t tried putting greens in your shake, I challenge you to give it a try.  Start with just a little and work your way up to a big ‘ole handful (that’s what I did).  You really can’t taste it (at least, I can’t) and it’s like eating a bowl of salad while having a yummy smoothie snack.

I will probably tweak the recipe to fit me more...I'm not a huge fan of chocolate (let me pick you up off the floor, I know, I'm weird) so it was a little too chocolaty for my taste and I only used 2 teaspoons full of cocoa. Also I may try a little almond milk instead of regular just because I like the taste of almond milk in my smoothies.

Let me know if y'all try this out! It was really good and the flax seed really helped keep me full!


5 for FIVE!


Good morning lovely readers! It's that time again! I've really enjoyed linking up every Monday, even though I haven't had a perfect 5/5 week yet, but it just keeps me striving for perfection! (Soon my friends, soon!)
I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica for my 5 for FIVE!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 

1. Quiet times!! Didn't get it in every day...I don't understand what is so hard about this!
2. Keep tracking my food/ exercise.
3. "Move back home". I partially moved back...still have some stuff over there the I need to get but that'll be done today.
4. Finish one of my books. So didn't even have time...work was busy with a bunch of games last week
5. Get back to 100% health wise.

Not bad...not great. Last week was rough because I was sick from Sunday-Wednesday...finally on Thursday I started feeling like myself and eating normally! Yay me! This week is a somewhat short week for me as I'm leaving Thursday for Fort Worth for an Athletic Training Alumni reunion (to say I'm excited is an understatement), but there is a lot packed into the three days I'll be at work!

1. Keep tracking my food/ exercise!  I told y'all about how my trainer made an accountability group on Facebook and how we were doing it for 2 weeks! Well today ends the 2 weeks and I'm pretty bummed...I want to keep doing it...Maybe everyone else feels the same way so it may live on! :) If not, I may start posting my daily eats and exercises on my blog...we'll see!
2. Get my hiney back in the gym!! I have lost 13.1 pounds since January and sadly I've done it without being consistent in my workouts (it makes me sick to think if I had been working out consistently where I'd be!). So I need to make time for a workout...even if it's just a 15 min quick one! Something, anything!
3. Pack for Fort Worth and not take my whole closet! Y'all can sympathize right? why as women can we not just pack the necessities!?
4. Quiet times! This past weekend we had a Women's Brunch that my church put on and it was all about Blooming and becoming the woman God wants us to be. Our pastor's wife read Psalm 139 to us and it's so amazing and so convicting! (I'd suggest you read it b/c it's beautiful! I'll probably post it because I love it so much!) God is ever thinking about us and knows everything that will happen in our lives and is always always involved in our everyday moments, yet we push Him to the bottom of the list...I MUST make Him a priority this week!
5. Be more involved with my students. I've had a bad attitude lately when it comes to work and just haven't been "feeling" it. I need to interact with my students and prepare them for spring football practices.

Here's to a great week! I'll be back later with a new smoothie recipe that I tried this morning! Until then stay on the edge of your seat waiting anxiously! :) 


Thursday, April 11, 2013

First Saturday in May!!

Do you know what the first Saturday in May is? You don't?! Let me enlighten you...it's probably is one of my most favorite days of the year!! It's the day of the "Fastest Two Minutes in Sports" or better known as THE KENTUCKY DERBY!!!
Sorry! I get a little excited about it! As with most girls, I've had a love for horses FOREVER...I horseback rode for about five years from middle school into high school. In 11th grade I had to decide between horseback riding and athletic training...I chose athletic training. To say I regret giving up horseback riding would be a huge understatement. I should've figured out a way to do both and just been super super busy! I won't go all nostalgic on y'all but let's just say I really really miss it...like every day! I keep promising myself that one day I will get back into it, but just for fun and for the enjoyment I got out of it. ONE DAY! {Hopefully sooner rather than later!} So my love of horses has carried over through the years and in college I started watching the Kentucky Derby EVERY year...it coincided with dead days most years and so I would be sitting on my bed studying and watching the Derby from the very first race until the climatic final race! And at the end of the actual Derby race I'd usually have tears streaming down my face! {I'm that girl...sorry, but I am.} My roommates all thought I was nuts, but the sheer happiness always got the best of me, haha!

Fast forward to when I've graduated and am living back in my hometown. My family is always down to throw a party...any reason! My mom and I love hosting and preparing everything! So I decided to throw a Kentucky Derby party! Everyone was instructed to wear their best Derby hat and come ready to pick a pony! The first year my brother was still living close by and we made it the 1st Annual Kentucky Derby, Cinco de Mayo, Herbie's birthday! Since then, we stick to Kentucky Derby...it's just easier and we can stick to certain food and beverages. We weren't fans of the famous Mint Julep so we made the Oaks Lily {which is the drink of the Oaks race which is ran the day before the Derby} it's got Cranberry and Vodka and some other stuff...I'll post the recipe later on...it's delicious! We also make a Bourbon Slush which is also fabulous!!

I still have my saddle and other riding apparel so I use that to decorate the porch and garage. I also have red roses everywhere! I may go a little overboard! The last few years we make pulled pork and coleslaw and some kind of desert. We play washers in the yard and everyone bets on the big race!

This year, I'm going to go a little bit further and use signs and even my pull out my old show ribbons and hang them around. The ladies do not disappoint with their hats at all! The hats are my favorite part of the whole thing! I have several and have been instructed to not buy any new hats this year!  

Now for some recipes!

1 oz. GREY GOOSE® Vodka 
1 oz. Sweet and Sour Mix
3 oz. Cranberry Juice
Splash of Triple Sec 
Garnish with an orange slice! We make a few gallons of it and use a big drink dispenser. It's best with crushed ice!

Makes 3 Quarts
2 ½ cups of tea (2 ½ cups of water and 2 small tea bags)
1 12- ounce can frozen lemonade, thawed
1 6-ounce can frozen orange juice
2 cups Maker’s Mark™ bourbon
1 cup sugar
6 cups water

We make this in a big metal pot the night before and freeze it...The next day just fluff it up and put the pot in a tub of ice to keep it cold. It's super refreshing.

Now for the famed mint julep!
2 Cups sugar
2 Cups water
Sprigs of fresh mint
Crushed ice
Early Times Kentucky Bourbon
Silver Julep Cups
Make a simple syrup by boiling sugar and water together for five minutes. Cool and place in a covered container with six or eight sprigs of fresh mint, then refrigerate overnight. Make one julep at a time by filling a julep cup with crushed ice, adding one tablespoon mint syrup and two ounces of Early Times Kentucky Bourbon. Stir rapidly with a spoon to frost the outside of the cup. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

So dust off your best derby hats, find your prettiest dress, print out the lyrics to My Old Kentucky Home, place your wagers and have a great time watching the Derby!  Try throwing a derby party this year...it really is a fun time and everyone gets into it! I'll be doing a post once we've had the party with tons of pictures!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Oh, How Pinteresting! 1st Edition

I've decided to link up this Wednesday with Michelle over at The Vintage Apple. I found her link-up via my friend Megan. I've seen her link-up multiple times and I thought since I've been home sick and spending multiple hours cruising through the Pinterest universe!

Here's what I've been loving lately

Join the link-up y'all! It's fun!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce!

A few weekends ago I made some homemade spaghetti sauce that my friend Caitlin makes that is supposedly "Ah-maze-ing!". And it was!! It makes a ton and I have lots left in the freezer that I'm planning on using to make baked ziti one night! Here's the recipe straight from the source herself:

2 tbsp olive oil
Medium onion
3-4 garlic cloves
1lb of ground beef 
2 links of Italian sausage (I like to use one hot and one mild. Depends on if you like spicy or not)
4 cans of tomato paste (6 oz) 
1 can of tomato sauce (8 oz) 
(I use hunts for both)
2 tsp oregano
2 tsp basil
3 bay leaves
salt and pepper
pinch of sugar 

In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion(diced small). Season it with a little salt. Let that cook for about 2 minutes and then add the garlic(diced small). Let that cook for about 2 minutes. Add the ground beef and sausage and cook until browned. My mom pours out the grease but I leave it in :) now here's the tricky part. Add the 4 cans of tomato paste and 2 cans of water for each can. Then add the can of tomato sauce and can of water. Add all the spices. Bring it to a boil and then simmer on low heat covered for about 2 hours. Voila! 

Y'all this sauce was seriously yummy! Funny story, I didn't get basil at the store because my mom said she had some...she DID NOT! So I texted Caitlin and said okay I left the basil out because we don't have any, she FLIPPED on me and ordered me straight to the store to get basil! Glad she did because it really did need it! My daddy even approved of it and he's one picky tough critic! I did use lean ground beef and instead of italian sausage {said tough critic doesn't do spicy} I used beef smoked sausage. It was still good and unlike Caitlin, I drained the grease! :)

The recipe was super easy and didn't really take that long! Make it on Sunday and if you're a real italian lover you could use it all week to make meals! :) If not, then freeze it use it later!


5 for Five

Good Tuesday Morning!!
I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica for my 5 for FIVE!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 

I'm a little late on my post...I caught a stomach bug this weekend and am finally beginning to feel like myself today, which is good because I have a HUGE Girl's Soccer Playoff Game to cover tonight! Let's see how I did last week...

1. Blog more consistently! Whoo! I got a couple posts up last week and still have some in the works.
2. Track my food and workouts. My trainer is doing a challenge with her family,friends and clients for two weeks. This has been AWESOME!! It's nice to see that my trainer isn't "superhuman" like I make her out to be!
3. Finish my book I've been reading. Okay, I didn't finish the book I've been reading, but I finished a different book. Josh Hamilton's Book it was amazing!! He has such a strong testimony and it had me tearing up in the hallway! It's a quick read, I finished it in a day.
4. Get in my quiet times!  I got in a few...
5. Clean,Clean,Clean! My house is a disaster! Umm...yeah I was busy at work and then this lovely bug hit...
Not too bad this past week!
1. Quiet times!! I MUST do this...I've had to miss my bible study and church the last two weeks and I've felt a difference...which is not okay, because I need to find that peace myself in my alone time with God.
2. Keep tracking my food/ exercise. I need to stay on track...since Saturday I've only eaten: 4 cups of broth, 20 crackers, 4 pieces of toast and a plain baked potato...I'm starting to introduce food back now that I'm feeling better but I can't go back to what I was eating right away...need to stay bland for a bit. But bland doesn't mean unhealthy! As for exercise...well this week was meant to really kick things into gear... but I may be just doing a little cardio here and there...
3. "Move back home". When I'm sick, I just want to be at my parents...I've been here since Saturday. I need to go home and do laundry...I'm going to for-go the grocery store this week and just go with what I have in the pantry. Depending on the game tonight I may be headed to Round Rock for Regional Tournament on Thursday.
4. Finish one of my books...I'm currently reading two books on my Kindle, I've never been one to do this but I needed a break from one of them.
5. Get back to 100% health wise.
I really had to think hard about my goals this week because my week has been thrown for a loop! I usually think about them on Sundays and on Sunday I didn't even want to think about the next hour let alone the next week!
Hope y'all are having a great week and achieve everything you've set for yourselves!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I went to high school from 1996-2000. During this time, the tv show F.R.I.E.N.D.S was extremely popular! Like we used to meet at a house and all watch it together on Thursday nights, and were all slightly obsessed.
It's always been my favorite show of all time. I was completely bummed when it ended and am longing for a reunion show! Over the past seven years of working in a high school, the kids of today are discovering F.R.I.E.N.D.S thanks to re-runs! I love it because some of them are just as enthusiastic as I was am about the show. I've seen every episode and can quote them all! It's a sickness really, a couple of my friends and I just have to send one line in a text and a whole episode of text messages will ensue! It's the best!! I can seriously laugh so hard just thinking of an episode {Like I said, it's a sickness people!}.

All this week at school the kids are testing and the schedule is all kinds of jacked up! So today athletic periods were at the beginning of the day and I didn't have bathroom duty for testing so I decided to watch some bloopers on YouTube to pass a little time. I had been doing stuff to wrap up physicals and needed to take a break so this was the perfect way to relax for a bit!

Here are a few of my favorites!!

And some of my favorite episodes...

I still watch the show every day! It's on TBS and the on Nick at Nite, I don't miss it!
Any of y'all share the same sickness as me?!


Blog Lovin

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Alright, I've decided to drink the Bloglovin juice and use it! I really have no clue what it's about and I don't think I use google reader, but I may. I mean I have a reading list on the front page of blogger and maybe that's google reader, but I really don't think it is! So like I said I'm jumping the bandwagon and am going to use BlogLovin!

Sorry for the short and sweet post but I just thought I'd alert the handful of people that read my thoughts! I'm working on some posts... just have to download pics off of my camera!


Monday, April 1, 2013

5 for Five!

 Good Monday morning! I had a fabulous Easter break! A little work with lots of fun is always the ticket! 
I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica for my 5 for FIVE!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 

Let's see how I did last week!

1. Read the whole book of Mark this week, as we prepare for Easter. I definitely just finished it morning,but it was still done and very powerful! 
2. Workout!!! Wednesday is going to be nuts with physical day, so I need to get some physical activity in so I can get some stress relief in before and after that day!
3. Put aside time for God each and every day...even if it's just 15 minutes!
4. Write at least two other blog posts...I've got some ideas so hopefully I can get them prepared!
5. Cook dinner twice this week.

Not a great week,but not too bad. It was a messed up week because we only had a three day work week {not that I'm complaining about that!}.
Ok, here's this week's goals... I'm shooting for a perfect score!

1. Blog more consistently! I've got posts planned, I just need to write them! I'm tired of saying "oh I got too busy!“ No more...just need to make time.
2. Track my food and workouts. My trainer is doing a challenge with her family,friends and clients for two weeks. There's no winners or losses it's just for accountability and to get more ideas!
3. Finish my book I've been reading. The students are testing this week so while I'm on potty duty I can read!
4. Get in my quiet times! I download Jesus Calling on my kindle so I've got no excuse!
5. Clean,Clean,Clean! My house is a disaster!

I fully promise to most more this week! Hope y'all have a fabulous Monday!