It's that time again! Time for 5 for FIVE! I only posted twice last week (bummer), but I feel like I did okay on my goals! As always, I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica and you totally should too! ;)
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure!
1. Quiet times!! I was a little ambitious with this goal, a few of the days I did read at morning and night, but a day or two I read nothing but maybe my morning verse in the morning.
2. Work out!! and track my food! So... while I didn't stick to my meal plan...things came up, I did cook one night and it lasted me a lunch and dinner so yay! I did track my food either on paper or on my fitness pal app. workouts...well I had a KILLER workout with my trainer on Saturday and I did Body Blast on Wednesday...better than nothing!
3. Mail a package... Got it done and sent!
4. Organize my house... this is a broad one, but I need to start making baby steps to getting my home life in order.
5. Be positive... Like I've said before, I've had a crummy attitude toward work lately so this week I'm focusing on the positives and being thankful for the little things!
No RED!! whoo! I feel good about that! I know that things happen and come up so I'm not going to let a little hiccup rock my world! Onto this week!
1. Drink at least 3 bottles of water...I have a 22 oz. water bottle that I take to workout and I've recently started bringing it to work again because I noticed I wasn't drinking near the water I used to! So I'm going to fill it up 3 times during the day...if not more!
2. Get my butt out of bed in the morning and workout...even if it's just a 20 minute workout I need to do something!
3. Quiet times!!! I read the book of Esther last week and this week I think I'm going to start Hosea. My bible study ends this week and I'm so sad! I think I'm going to start reading Crazy Love by Fancis Chan....have you read it?
4. Cook dinner twice this week
5. Continue organizing my house
Hope y'all have a wonderful day and your week begins well!
You're doing great! I'm about to mail off a package tomorrow.