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Monday, May 6, 2013

5 for FIVE!! and a short weekend recap


It's that time again! Time for 5 for FIVE! As always, I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica and you totally should too! ;)
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 

1. Drink at least 3 bottles of water... done and done!
2. Get my butt out of bed in the morning and workout... I got in two workouts last week...but neither of them were in the morning...
3. Quiet times!!! I did okay...mainly just meditated on some scripture
4. Cook dinner twice this week Okay I'm giving myself purple b/c I cooked dinner once and it lasted me the majority of the week!
5. Continue organizing my house Nope...didn't even come close to happening.

Not too shabby! Last week was busy, spring football started and we had softball and baseball playoffs...excuses yes,but semi-valid excuses! :)

Okay onto this week's goals!

1. Prepare menu for this week: my parents are going out of town Thursday so I'm at their house with my dogs and their dog...gotta have all my food planned out so I can take it over with me.
2. Pack my stuff for said house/dog sitting.
3. Get my Rodan and Fields biz going...I just recently joined Rodan and Fields and am excited to see where it takes me! I promise not to post self-promoting stuff on here, but I will post things from time to time! If you're interested in knowing what Rodan and Fields is all about, check out my site! sburton1.myrandf.biz
4. Workout! I have some workouts planned this week and need to do them! Anyone want to hold me accountable?!
5. Get my quiet times consistent!!

How was y'all's week last week? Hope you have a wonderful week and achieve all your goals!!

Time for a little recap of the weekend...Friday I traveled with my softball girls to Mumford, Tx...yeah it's as out in the boonies as it sounds. We played a great double header and came away with the win! My baseball boys won Thursday night and then lost on Friday, so on Saturday I went to their game, which they won! All in all my teams did well this weekend!

Now...if you remember this post, you know how much I LOVE Derby Day! I ended up missing the majority of the party because I had to work but in reality, I needed to be at that game and am glad I got to be there. I'll most definitely be doing a post on the party!

Until then, I'll leave you waiting in anticipation, and of these cuties while I was decorating for the party!!


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