Good Tuesday Morning!!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure!

I'm a little late on my post...I caught a stomach bug this weekend and am finally beginning to feel like myself today, which is good because I have a HUGE Girl's Soccer Playoff Game to cover tonight! Let's see how I did last week...
1. Blog more consistently! Whoo! I got a couple posts up last week and still have some in the works.
2. Track my food and workouts. My trainer is doing a challenge with her family,friends and clients for two weeks. This has been AWESOME!! It's nice to see that my trainer isn't "superhuman" like I make her out to be!
3. Finish my book I've been reading. Okay, I didn't finish the book I've been reading, but I finished a different book. Josh Hamilton's Book it was amazing!! He has such a strong testimony and it had me tearing up in the hallway! It's a quick read, I finished it in a day.
4. Get in my quiet times! I got in a few...
5. Clean,Clean,Clean! My house is a disaster! Umm...yeah I was busy at work and then this lovely bug hit...
Not too bad this past week!
1. Quiet times!! I MUST do this...I've had to miss my bible study and church the last two weeks and I've felt a difference...which is not okay, because I need to find that peace myself in my alone time with God.
2. Keep tracking my food/ exercise. I need to stay on track...since Saturday I've only eaten: 4 cups of broth, 20 crackers, 4 pieces of toast and a plain baked potato...I'm starting to introduce food back now that I'm feeling better but I can't go back to what I was eating right away...need to stay bland for a bit. But bland doesn't mean unhealthy! As for exercise...well this week was meant to really kick things into gear... but I may be just doing a little cardio here and there...
3. "Move back home". When I'm sick, I just want to be at my parents...I've been here since Saturday. I need to go home and do laundry...I'm going to for-go the grocery store this week and just go with what I have in the pantry. Depending on the game tonight I may be headed to Round Rock for Regional Tournament on Thursday.
4. Finish one of my books...I'm currently reading two books on my Kindle, I've never been one to do this but I needed a break from one of them.
5. Get back to 100% health wise.
I really had to think hard about my goals this week because my week has been thrown for a loop! I usually think about them on Sundays and on Sunday I didn't even want to think about the next hour let alone the next week!
Hope y'all are having a great week and achieve everything you've set for yourselves!
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