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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


In January my church did a 21 day fast to start our year. If I'm being honest, fasting scares me...I mean I love food y'all! I totally get that the idea of fasting is to replace food, social media, whatever you're fasting from with prayer, connection with God and growing closer to Him. It sounds SO wonderful and amazing! Whenever you would be doing whatever you're fasting from you instead replace that time with time with God, however you choose to do so. Like I said fasting scares me, I immediately think I'll be starving myself and oh my goodness I won't be getting nutrients and fueling my body! The whole idea is to fuel your body/mind/self with God and His goodness! There are many types of fasting, there's the Daniel Fast, juice fasting and fasting from sun up to sun down. I decided to do a juice fast... well actually just replace my breakfast with a green smoothie. I had thought of this before, but never could stomach the idea. I mean these things look gah-ross! Pretty much like swamp water with algae! So for 21 days I made a smoothie every morning (really I made it then night before and just gave it a quick mix on my Ninja in the morning!) and used the time I'd normally be making breakfast and eating it to pray on the way to work and to open my Bible app on my Kindle at work when I had a break.
I've since kept my smoothie routine and not only have I grown closer to God during my prayer time, but it's helped me in my quest to lose weight and get healthy!! (Win/win!)  I figured I'd share one of my recipes with y'all! I've seen a million on Pinterest and have adapted my own recipe by switching things up and trying new ideas!

This morning's smoothie was as follows:

2 BIG handfuls of baby spinach
1/2 large avocado
frozen mixed fruit (I just pour in a bout a 1/2 - 1 cup)*
1/2 cup of low fat yogurt**
1 kiwi
1 cup of water

* this is all I had, I really like frozen tropical fruit better
** I'm planning on trying greek yogurt (has more protein) but I just have been chicken to try it!

All the ingredients...minus the seltzer water, ignore that!
Layer the ingredients staring with the spinach, I push it down with a spoon!
Add the fruit and yogurt ( I just eyeball the yogurt)                 


Blend it all up!

Doesn't look yummy but it totally is!!


I've tried kale and spinach and even some romaine lettuce! I've also tried apples (which unless you enjoy chewing your smoothies, I don't suggest). Instead of water sometimes I use unsweetened almond milk...it's actually very good and I NEVER thought I'd use it! I've started using avocado instead of banana a couple days a week and the smoothness that it makes is crazy good!
I got a Ninja for Christmas and I am OBSESSED with it!! It's seriously awesome!!It blends everything together and makes it so smooth and delicious!!  ** I am not a spokesperson for Ninja and received nothing for telling y'all how awesome it is!**
Do y'all drink smoothies at all? If so what do you make? If not, I am telling you to try it!! It's so good and satisfying!!
ps... I have NO idea what's going on with my pictures, well actually it's probably because I'm still figuring everything out! :) So sorry, but please chalk it up to my newness! :)


  1. my favorite smoothie recently:

    1/2 a lemon (juiced)
    1 tbsp chia seeds
    1/2 scoop protein power
    water / ice as needed.

    it tastes like strawberry lemonade!

    1. Oooh I'm going to have to try that! I'm guessing I can get chia seeds at a health food store?

    2. Yeah. I've even seen them at HEB.

  2. Hi Sam! Congrats on your blog! I loved reading your first entry! You'll be great at this. Danielle's friend, Melissa, has a blog about happy, healthy things. Lots of good recipes, including smoothies! Check it out~

    love you~

    1. Thanks Renee! I'll have to check out her blog! Love you!

  3. What awesome motivation and inspiration! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to give some of these recipes a try myself!
