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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New adventure

Hello!! I'm not sure I'll ever get many readers, but I figured I'd give this blogging thing a try since so many of my friends do it, and I LOVE blog stalking reading various blogs about so many things! I'm hoping to use this blog as a way to keep myself motivated and forever striving to become a healthy Godly woman. I plan on sharing recipes, workouts, bible verses that have been on my mind.

Last night I started my new LifeGroup with my church, we are going throught the book: A Woman after God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. I've read the book before and it was awesome! However it was either in high school or college...either way it's be a long time! Going through it again it's so cool to see things I highlighted then compared to now! In my group I'm the youngest one and the only one that is single! I feel like I am going to learn so much from these ladies and I can't wait! One of them told me last night something she was told by another lady when she was single, she told me I needed to enjoy this time b/c this was the last time God would ever have me to himself!! Once he blesses me with that perfect man and we have children I'll forever be juggling all of the challenges of daily life and trying to have a relationship with Him. This really hit me and made me think. Goodness I need to stop saying "oh poor me, I'm single and don't have a special someone", I need to thank God daily for this time and use it to grow closer to him every day!!

So in the book's first chapter it talks about having a heart devoted to God...which is where I came up with my blog's title! Martha and Mary were sisters and Jesus and his disciples came to see them and Martha immediately went into panic mode! You know this mode..."oh my goodness I have so much to do!" You're running around trying to make sure everything is perfect. Martha was doing all this and her sister, Mary, went and sat at Jesus' feet, listened and worshipped Him. Martha goes to Jesus and says to him "Look at Mary! She's not even helping me! Don't you care that she's doing nothing?" He replied (and this is my favorite part and the verse that I'm going to meditate on all week): "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42

So many times we get all bent out of shape over things we have no control over or things of the world, when all we need to do is look to God and thank Him for all we have and the many blessings He's bestowed upon us! Such a big tap on the shoulders from God to me! He's saying, "Hello!! Samantha! I'm here, please give me your all and everything and I will take care of it!"
So that's my goal this week! Acknowledge Him in everthing I do, and take everything to Him!

This is quite a long post for my first, but as soon as I started typing I realized I really did have a lot to say! :)

I look forward to talking about so many different subjects! I've recently started re-started my healthy lifestyle! Making sure I'm eating healthy and exercising!! Now, to add spending time with God daily in His word to that!

2013 is the year of ME! I'm working on bettering myself, mind, body and spirit!
