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Monday, March 11, 2013

5 For Five

Did you guys think I forgot all about the link up?! I didn't, but just had a busy day and am just getting to compose a post!
I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica for my 5 for FIVE! Let's see how I did last week... I can tell you it wasn't great! I'm in a big slump but determined to get out of it this week and have all Purple!!
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 
1. Plan my menu and stick to it! : I made food and took it to work, however towards the end of the week I had to eat out a couple meals, b/c I didn't plan totally! Bummer...but I still planned my menu!
2. Go to Body Blast on Wednesday: Check and Check! That class is no joke!
3. Finish cleaning...no if, ands or buts....has to be done! Haha..yeah that didn't happen.
4. Get my daily devotional time with God every day! : Why is this so hard to do?

5. Get some good workouts in! : One workout and I'm going to count that towards the goal!

Okay so, it's spring break this week, or in my case spring {let's have a ton of baseball and soccer games} break. However, no early mornings and only one FULL day of sports for me, so there's NO reason for me NOT to reach all of my goals this week!

1. Finish the chair my mom and I have been working on refinishing since Christmas 2011. {yep...you read that right}
2. Clean my room so that said chair may go to it's new forever home in the corner of my room!
3. Do some form of physical activity every freaking day this week!
4. Eat healthy, even though I'm on break.
5. Get my haircut...I need it bad and since I'm "off" all week hopefully I can find some time to get it done.

If you're lucky enough to be on break this week, I hope that y'all have an awesome one! If you're not, I hope y'all have a wonderful work week!!


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