Have y'all ever been convicted? Not of a crime or anything crazy like that, but a personal conviction. Yesterday it totally happened to me, and has been happening a lot lately and I've been ignoring what the Lord is saying to me! It's like God is trying to teach me a lesson or something ;) and I have been pushing Him aside thinking "gosh, can't you just let me feel sorry for myself or geez! I don't have the time for your life lesson". Wow. Ouch. How can I talk that was to such a wonderful and loving God who wants nothing but the best for me!?!
If you read my 5 for FIVE yesterday, you know that one of my goals is to be more thankful for the little things, well the Lord totally hit me over the head {gently of course} with that one! My day started pretty normal for a Monday, if there's anyone out there just LOVES Mondays, I'd really like to meet them! Then some things happened and I was throwing myself such a horrendous pity party and complaining and it hit me, HELLO!! Samantha stop it! You have a job {it's a great one}, you have wonderful family and friends, your puppies are precious, you have a roof over your head and food to fill your belly, you are healthy and happy. GET OVER YOURSELF! There are so many others {some I know and some I don't} that don't have the blessings I have! Just because the day doesn't go the way I have planned it out so meticulously {I mean down to the last detail...} doesn't mean that it's not going according to God's plan! But alas, we are human and try to take the wheel when it comes to our lives and decisions. I just needed that small reminder huge flashing sign to step back, let go and let God.
I have a friend that wasn't having the best day so I pulled up some scriptures to help try to brighten her day and in turn it showed me my shortcomings and made me get a new perspective! Here are two I sent her and yet they ended up speaking to me!
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right , and pure, and lovely, and admirable. think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
Philippians 4:8
"But he gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, "God opposes the proud but favors the humble." So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James 4:6
Talk about a gut check...every time I turn around the enemy is telling me I'm not worthy of God's love, that I can't do anything right and to keep stomping my feet and telling God to wait because I don't want to listen to Him at the moment...we've got to arm ourselves with the Word of God and tell that devil to take a hike!
One last verse that I found and am going to make it my verse for the week, maybe the month, heck more like for the year!

I also found some good inspiring pins on Pinterest (you can follow me here!) that I think I'll be writing down around my house for added inspiration!

Here's to a new day and a renewed and refreshed spirit!
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