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Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I know I've been slacking majorly on my blog...and I'm sorry{to my couple readers}! So what's been going on lately??
  • School is quite close to getting out for the summer {two weeks to be exact} and I'm super pumped!!
  • My softball girls are going to State for the first time in school history!! It's so exciting and these girls are just great!!
  • Spring football is almost almost over...Wednesday cannot get here soon enough!
  • It's HOT here...like our pool warmed up in a week {LOVE IT}, so if you need to get a hold of me during the weekends...That's where I'll be.
  • I started my Rodan+Fields business on April 30...and by May 22 I had already earned my first {and not my last} promotion!!! I'm so glad my friend introduced me to this company!!
  • My dog, Canton, has been a pool lounger as well...he gets hot, he gets in on the step...smart Yorkie!
  • Jackie O, my other pup...prefers to lounge BY the pool!
Sadly...that's about all that's going on right now...not great reasons why my blog has been deserted lately!!
I'll leave y'all with a couple pics...careful though, they're kinda awesomely gross!!
Rodan+Fields has an awesome tool called the Macro-E...it's like a microdermebrasion but you can do it once a week for 5 minutes and it removes 5 MILLION dead skin cells...below are my pics of the filter from it last week and then this week!! It's crazy and your skin feels awesome after!
This is last weeks...it's a bit blurry...but you get the picture!

This week's is crazy gross!! But my face feels like a baby's butt!!
Those are all from my face!! YIKES!! If you're wondering where you can get this tool or to hear more about Rodan+Fields leave me a comment with your e-mail!
And be looking for a give away soon!!
I promise that once I'm on summer break, I'll have more content in my posts and some fun ones are coming up! Get excited!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

5 for FIVE!!

Wowzers! Sorry y'all! I completely forgot it was Monday! Man four day weekends throw this girl off! Which I'm totally okay with because let's face it...my summer is two weeks away and I'll never know what day it is and I LOVE IT!!
 As always, I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica and you totally should too! ;)
Let's see how I did last week...I'm going to give some excuses literally before I even see how I did...I was busy...like seriously busy at work!
Purple = YAY me!! Blue = Girl...you did ok  Red = Epic fail
1. Eat healthy : Can I be honest and say I really don't remember how I ate last week! I think I did okay...
2. Finish my book: Y'all! This book! READ IT!
3. Clean my downstairs: Check and check!! Now, to keep it nice and neat!
4. Find at least one day to workout...for my sanity I need this! not one dang day!
5. Start cleaning up my office area and taking things home that I'll need this summer!

Not too bad...I do need to my hiney to the gym and buckle down on my eating!

Let's see what's on tap for this week!

1. Get laundry done and packed for Austin this weekend!! My softball girls are headed to STATE!!!!!
2. Workout ONE day this week!
3. Finish the book I started...it's called Little Bee, it's okay...I'll let you know when I'm done.
4. Return my Thirty-One order....I ordered a coupon clutch and they sent me a wristlet even after my packing slip says coupon clutch....weird.
5. Enjoy the last two weeks of work...we're headed to State on Thursday and have our football spring game on Wednesday and then finals next week...so I want to soak in the memories!

Hope y'all have a fabulous week!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

5 for FIVE


It's that time again! Time for 5 for FIVE! As always, I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica and you totally should too! ;)
I took a little hiatus from this link-up last week and am ready this week to make some good attainable goals!

1. Eat healthy : With school winding down and my softball team still rolling in the playoffs and spring football still going on, I really need to focus on eating well because I'm not sure when I'll have time to get a workout in at the gym or at home!
2. Finish my book: I've started re-reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and I want to finish it so I can pass it on to an athlete of mine that wants to read it! If you haven't read it, you need to!! It's an awesome awesome book!
3. Clean my downstairs: I'm **hopefully** holding my Rodan+Fields business launch tomorrow evening and my downstairs needs to be spotless! ( I say **hopefully** b/c my AC decided to go out this weekend!! and when I say my AC i mean my BRAND SPANKING NOT EVEN A YEAR OLD AC UNIT!!! Talk about frustrating!)
4. Find at least one day to workout...for my sanity I need this!
5. Start cleaning up my office area and taking things home that I'll need this summer!

My softbal girls KILLED it this weekend! They run-ruled the team we played Friday night and Saturday afternoon! It's always fun to win!! We play again this weekend and if we win we go to STATE!! We have such a great group of girls and I want this for them so so bad!!

Hope y'all have a great week!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 for FIVE fail...

Yes, I know it's Tuesday and yes, I'm aware that I totally missed out of the link up yesterday! I'm going to let y'all know how I did last week but I don't think I'm going to make goals for this week because it's already Tuesday night at 8:03pm and let's face it...the week's almost over! (Okay not really, but it feels that way for me! I leave on Friday morning to go with Softball to their playoff games that are in Round Rock, TX this weekend.
1. Prepare menu for this week: my parents are going out of town Thursday so I'm at their house with my dogs and their dog...gotta have all my food planned out so I can take it over with me.
2. Pack my stuff for said house/dog sitting.
3. Get my Rodan and Fields biz going...I just recently joined Rodan and Fields and am excited to see where it takes me! I promise not to post self-promoting stuff on here, but I will post things from time to time! If you're interested in knowing what Rodan and Fields is all about, check out my site! sburton1.myrandf.biz
4. Workout! I have some workouts planned this week and need to do them! Anyone want to hold me accountable?!
5. Get my quiet times consistent!!

That's quite the rainbow up there ^^^...Softball and Baseball are in the playoffs and both travel on the weekends and this past weekend I went with both...so I basically ate leftovers and then ate out because we were on the road. I got in one workout and it was actually pretty good! I combined my circuits and did a little walk/jog around the neighborhood for 15 minutes! Quiet times...ummm yeah...
I did get my biz going! I've gotten some leads and have planned my business launch party!

So I'm not making goals this week..mainly because of in my mind it's late in the week already and also, I'm so busy that I'm just trying to get through the week! I'll be back next week with my goals and a fresh outlook on the coming weeks because hey, let's face it summer is SOOO close I can smell the sunscreen and beach!!

Hope y'all have a fabulous week!!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Derby Day!!

My favorite day of the year is hands down Kentucky Derby Day!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! We started throwing a party a few years ago and it's become a much anticipated day amongst our friends! Last year I missed the majority of the party thanks to baseball playoffs and unfortunately this year was no different! Those baseball boys just DO NOT want me having any fun! ;) So I woke up early and helped mom get everything ready and I put up my decorations!

I ended up getting there about 10 minutes before the Derby ran and unfortunately none of the horses I picked won! I wanted to have a bunch of action shots and just candid shot of everyone, BUT since I wasn't there the only pics I got were before everyone arrived! Everyone had a great time, the food/drinks were fabulous and we actually didn't have many leftovers! :) The men played washers all afternoon and the women gabbed and eventually got domino games going that lasted well into the night!

Did y'all watch the Derby?!

Monday, May 6, 2013

5 for FIVE!! and a short weekend recap


It's that time again! Time for 5 for FIVE! As always, I'm linking up with Jenn and Jessica and you totally should too! ;)
Just a reminder: Purple = accomplished, Blue = almost accomplished and Red= a big fat failure! 

1. Drink at least 3 bottles of water... done and done!
2. Get my butt out of bed in the morning and workout... I got in two workouts last week...but neither of them were in the morning...
3. Quiet times!!! I did okay...mainly just meditated on some scripture
4. Cook dinner twice this week Okay I'm giving myself purple b/c I cooked dinner once and it lasted me the majority of the week!
5. Continue organizing my house Nope...didn't even come close to happening.

Not too shabby! Last week was busy, spring football started and we had softball and baseball playoffs...excuses yes,but semi-valid excuses! :)

Okay onto this week's goals!

1. Prepare menu for this week: my parents are going out of town Thursday so I'm at their house with my dogs and their dog...gotta have all my food planned out so I can take it over with me.
2. Pack my stuff for said house/dog sitting.
3. Get my Rodan and Fields biz going...I just recently joined Rodan and Fields and am excited to see where it takes me! I promise not to post self-promoting stuff on here, but I will post things from time to time! If you're interested in knowing what Rodan and Fields is all about, check out my site! sburton1.myrandf.biz
4. Workout! I have some workouts planned this week and need to do them! Anyone want to hold me accountable?!
5. Get my quiet times consistent!!

How was y'all's week last week? Hope you have a wonderful week and achieve all your goals!!

Time for a little recap of the weekend...Friday I traveled with my softball girls to Mumford, Tx...yeah it's as out in the boonies as it sounds. We played a great double header and came away with the win! My baseball boys won Thursday night and then lost on Friday, so on Saturday I went to their game, which they won! All in all my teams did well this weekend!

Now...if you remember this post, you know how much I LOVE Derby Day! I ended up missing the majority of the party because I had to work but in reality, I needed to be at that game and am glad I got to be there. I'll most definitely be doing a post on the party!

Until then, I'll leave you waiting in anticipation, and of these cuties while I was decorating for the party!!
